18 Questions 33 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Fisseha Asmelash
Does fumigating soil with aluminum phosphide sterilizes the soil effectively? is it as good as autoclaving?
05 May 2019 9,724 7 View
is there a reference number put to be used to say the obtained number of AMF spore per gram is low, medium or high? say for instance is 18 spore per gram of dry soil large or medium or small?
08 August 2018 9,058 6 View
when in two-way ANOVA transformation becomes hard and non-parametric tests unsuitable, can someone run one-way ANOVA for each factor separately such that if transformation doesn't work...
05 May 2018 6,054 9 View
if someone wants to use seedlings already prepared (seedlings grown on pots with a soil substrate) and wants to sterilize the substrate they are grown on and without killing the plants (seedlings)...
02 February 2018 8,577 16 View
what if i get non significant test result in the one way ANOVA and there appears to be a significant difference between treatment means when post test(esp. LSD) is run? is it only after ANOVA...
09 September 2017 6,085 11 View
is plant habit one of the factors determining photosynthesis light response? can we say trees generally have curve with bigger slope compared to herbs?
06 June 2017 9,421 6 View
when ever i try to read about E of light. i get the Plank's formula (E=hc/Wave length). but, if the light is made of photons of different wave lengths, how would i be able to calculate E?
12 December 2016 7,940 5 View
is it alright to store a whole-soil arbuscular mycorrhiza inoculum at deep freeze condition? according to INVAM it says 4 degree Celsius.
07 July 2016 4,458 10 View
sorry for my ignorance in advance but i would like to know if it is only the AMF and Geosiphon? that have multiple nucleus. thanks in advance
06 June 2016 7,710 7 View
can exotic tree/shrub species be an excellent foundation species that facilitate the restoration of an ecosystem?are there such data? if there are please send me.
11 November 2015 9,784 6 View
as i happen to read more and more articles, i begin to get confused.some say Ecological restoration attempts to establish ecosystems to a perdisturbance condition.i still read that...
10 October 2015 4,544 9 View
i would like to know how fragments of a compound or bio molecule would appear on the MS graph if these fragments have equal m/z?
02 February 2015 8,957 6 View
can some body describe to me about the relationship between Proteomics and Genomics?can Proteomics deliver the desired data/information to all organisms with/without their Genome sequence data...
01 January 2015 8,494 2 View
I just want to know what exactly is the role of AM fungi in P solubilization. Do they have direct effect or indirect effect like collaborating with P solubilizing bacteria etc?
12 December 2014 6,067 4 View
If someone wants to study the effect of AM inoculation on tree seedlings growth, nutrient uptake or resilience in general, where does he need to get the inoculum?from the same piece of land where...
09 September 2014 5,880 26 View
There is this fig tree with recorded history of planting date. Hence, it is known to have lived for about 400 years. People trim its branches and rejuvenated branches grow. If this process...
08 August 2014 3,310 10 View
I am about to present a paper partly related to Rhizobacteria. I come across an article which says "due to the complex nature how genes work and due to the multiple genes involved in stress...
05 May 2014 7,690 4 View
I was able to learn that many articles define rhizosphere as a thin soil layer near the root and quite few articles, like a recent nature education article, define it as the root soil interface...
05 May 2014 9,020 23 View