8 Questions 16 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Evan Toh
I want to check if the following variables are antecedents to customer purchase decision of hotels: Online reviews Convenience Price Service Facilities Therefore, I want to create a Likert scale...
02 December 2020 1,304 5 View
I have 5 Likert scale questions in my questionnaire that seeks to measure Construct A. It has an acceptable Cronbach's Alpha value of above 0.7. Does this mean that I am able to create (compute)...
20 September 2020 6,313 15 View
Example: A group of 30 people rated their satisfaction levels of places A, B and C - There are 3 dependent variables, which are the ratings of places A, B and C on a 5-point Likert scale Running...
03 September 2020 2,676 3 View
Hi all, I am doing a survey where I would like to see if there is any difference in the amount of money customers spent at place A, and place B, C, and D. As the survey will be distributed in...
01 September 2020 2,936 4 View
Hi all, this is an excerpt of a question that I am planning to include in my questionnaire to find out the reasons why people visit place X. My intention is to compute the means of each reason and...
01 September 2020 3,523 11 View
Hi, this is a sample of my data set, where respondents are supposed to rate the 10 variables from 1 (most important) to 10. However, as not all 10 variables are displayed to respondents, this has...
31 August 2020 9,138 5 View
Hi all, I am trying to find the relationship between two ordinal variables (5-point likert scale). The variables are: 1) Importance of attribute (not at all important, slightly important,...
31 August 2020 1,068 5 View
Hi all, I am doing a survey where I have a two-part question. In the first part, I ask respondents to select from a list of 10 reasons why they have visited this place. In the second part, I ask...
28 August 2020 9,331 5 View