10 Questions 14 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Dr.Abhay Dasadia
I am working on SiO2 material synthesized by Plasma Enhanced CVD. I would like to know that how to measure substrate temperature of film during its growth. Is there any simulation which can gives...
31 May 2021 3,270 2 View
Hi researchers! I would like to get your suggestions on powder XRD data. Recently I found the peak (100 % Relative intensity) at 2theta= 36 degree in diamond film in addition to peak at 2theta= 44...
22 January 2021 2,534 2 View
Dear researchers, I would be happy to get your suggestions on my above question. We are looking for the measurement of dislocation density in CVD grown diamond single crystals. Is there any...
05 November 2020 3,866 3 View
When crystals like diamond are grown by CVD method then grown crystals have some specific orientation. How we can identify the crystal orientation like (100) or (110). Is there any specific...
23 October 2020 1,790 8 View
Dear friends, Kindly suggest few good books which covers following topics 1. Nano materials 2. Shape memory alloys 3. Metallic glasses 4. Bio materials Regards, Abhay
23 January 2020 7,890 6 View
What are isotropic and anisotropic displacement parameters in single crystal xray structure analysis?
22 July 2014 2,395 6 View
.Nobody has reported this material yet. Kindly suggest options.
30 January 2014 3,855 3 View
I want to know how to confirm the cation and anion of any crystalline material from CIF file? What is the key idea behind this analysis.
10 December 2013 1,775 4 View
Can anybody explain how to confirm cation and anion of any single crystal which is analysed for the first time by Single XRD? I mean from a CIF file? e.g if single crystal of NbSe2 is analysed,...
07 December 2013 9,051 0 View
Generally it is said that crystalline materials are anisotropic but in crystalline materials, atomic arrangements are periodic in all three directions. So how can it behave anisotropic? If...
28 April 2013 9,225 5 View