11 Questions 17 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Dongsoo Kang
To reduce the spatter in welding using with wire stock, commonly higher voltage and lower current, wire feed rate are desirable. (Also, inert gas is important, but my interest is heat energy...
09 September 2018 1,923 3 View
During solidification, solidification structure can be changed by temperature gradient and velocity of liquidus isotherm at solid/liquid interface. I have an idea about its morphological change by...
02 November 2017 6,168 3 View
I want to ask to researcher who is studying about solidification behavior in superalloy of any alloy. Now I'm studying about solidification in Ni based superalloy. From many literature, they...
25 October 2016 1,746 11 View
My alloy is being applied for turbine blade at high temperature (Ni based superalloy). Now, I would like to conduct the high temperature creep test, but many paper which researched about high...
19 June 2016 7,125 2 View
My alloy is Ni based superalloy which is polycrystalline. In as cast condition, usually the microstructure is shown as not homogeneous state due to not enough to be stable during...
25 May 2016 5,953 7 View
The G' phase is coherent with G matrix in ni based superalloy. And this coherency of G' phase is governed by elastic state between G and G' (as sum of interfacial energy, strain energy and elastic...
02 May 2016 5,109 2 View
I want to ask to everyone. Why when gamma prime forming element is added more, gamma formation temperature is decreased? What can be relationship in there?
25 February 2016 3,296 4 View
How can I interpret the results of heating curve and cooling curve if the temperature of each reaction is different when heating and cooling?Please give me some advices.*My alloy is Ni based...
22 February 2016 1,186 3 View
As I know, the method to make the baseline in DSC or DTA is generally used with two types as, one is running without sample and alumina holder, the other is without sample. And after running with...
17 February 2016 9,016 8 View
I am studying about Ni based superalloy. In order to calculate the lattice parameter of gamma and gamma prime in Ni based superalloy, I am using the XRD analysis. Some paper used (002) reflection...
16 February 2016 5,604 10 View
I am the one of person who is studying about Ni based superalloy. Nowadays, I am focusing on the calculation of lattice parameter of gamma and gamma prime in Ni based superalloy by XRD...
03 February 2016 265 1 View