9 Questions 1 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Dinusha Randimal
I am planning to use fuzzy failure model effect analysis and Analytical hierarchy process to identify and formulate strategies related to chilli seed production under automated greenhouse...
29 July 2021 4,505 2 View
I am planning to investigate the socio economic factors: age, income, gender, labor affecting for the adoption of farming practice in rural farmer community. Structural equation model is using to...
12 July 2021 2,196 4 View
I am in need of measuring how far farmers adopt for new technology (greenhouse automation solution). Most of the literature on this matter is with two samples; one sample using the new technology...
06 July 2021 3,768 4 View
I am planning to apply fuzzy FMEA and AHP to identify risks and form strategies related to agriculture production process in an automated greenhouse. As I am new to the above method I need to...
25 June 2021 1,450 4 View
What are the main factors that cause to success or fail in adapting a new task / activity specially in related to farming?. For an example if a person try to pollinate flowers in order to get...
14 May 2021 3,259 0 View
In order to perform verify validity of a hypothesis what will be the minimum sample size ? I only have 45 samples, would that be enough? Is it okay do conduct a qualitative analyzing methods to...
15 April 2021 5,712 4 View
If we are going to measure the effect of using an automated greenhouse on farmers livelihood, What will be the minimum duration for evaluating that after introduce that greenhouse to the farmer?
23 February 2021 1,860 4 View
I am planning to do a study with the help of 45 farmers who are going to produce hybrid chilly seed for the first time, and I want to measure in what way semi-automated greenhouse will affect on...
15 January 2021 3,104 4 View
What are the best options for publishing a set of full papers presented at a conference - as a book volume or a special issue? Can the scope be changed significantly in a special issue, and what...
01 January 1970 5,608 0 View