22 Questions 85 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Dinesh Kumar
How does R programming support machine learning and predictive modelling in research applications? Can you highlight some popular R packages and algorithms that researchers can use for building...
29 May 2023 197 3 View
How can R programming be used for interactive data visualization and exploration in research? What are some recommended R packages and techniques for creating interactive plots and dashboards?
29 May 2023 2,312 3 View
What are the best practices for optimizing performance and efficiency in R programming, particularly when dealing with large datasets or computationally intensive tasks? Are there any specific...
29 May 2023 3,433 3 View
In SmartPLS, what are the most appropriate criteria to evaluate the goodness of fit for a model with both reflective and formative constructs, and how can you address issues related to the...
22 April 2023 4,259 1 View
In SmartPLS, how can you evaluate the model fit in the presence of multicollinearity issues, such as high correlations among the predictors or factors, and what are the potential consequences of...
22 April 2023 6,029 3 View
How can you assess the model fit in SmartPLS when you have a dataset with a large number of variables and indicators, and some of these variables may be highly correlated with each other?
22 April 2023 3,790 1 View
What are the best practices for assessing the model fit in SmartPLS when dealing with data that may violate the normality assumption, such as non-normal distributions, outliers, or skewness?
22 April 2023 9,969 2 View
How do you create and customize data visualizations in Jamovi, such as bar charts, scatter plots, and box plots, to effectively communicate your findings to various audiences?
04 April 2023 1,305 1 View
In Jamovi, how can you perform a repeated measures ANOVA, and what are the key considerations for setting up the data structure and selecting the appropriate post-hoc tests?
04 April 2023 2,836 3 View
What are the best practices for cleaning and preprocessing data in Jamovi, including handling missing values, creating new variables, and recoding or transforming existing variables?
04 April 2023 7,947 1 View
In my dataset of student test scores, how can I use regression to investigate the impact of factors like class size, teacher experience, and socioeconomic background on student performance?
01 April 2023 7,542 0 View
I have data on sales and various marketing efforts, such as advertising spend, social media engagement, and promotional activities. How can I use regression to quantify the effectiveness of these...
01 April 2023 6,778 1 View
How can researchers choose between covariance-based SEM (CB-SEM) and partial least squares SEM (PLS-SEM) approaches, and what are the main differences between these methods?
01 April 2023 1,398 3 View
In my dataset of car accidents, how can I use regression analysis to examine the impact of factors such as weather conditions, road quality, and driver demographics on the likelihood and severity...
01 April 2023 4,752 0 View
If I want to investigate the relationship between air pollution levels and the incidence of respiratory illnesses, how can I use regression analysis to determine the strength of this relationship...
01 April 2023 3,425 6 View
If the factor loadings score in CFA is less than 0.7. How to deal with this situation if each dimension has only three items?
01 April 2023 8,047 3 View
How can I determine whether my hypothetical dataset contains enough cases to conduct a reliable and valid structural equation modelling analysis? What is the recommended minimum sample size for my...
01 April 2023 5,341 2 View
Suppose I have collected data on customer churn rates and various customer attributes. How can I use regression to predict the likelihood of customer churn based on these attributes?
01 April 2023 4,950 3 View
In the context of my hypothetical dataset, what are the potential sources of measurement error that might affect the validity of my structural equation model, and how can I address these issues?
01 April 2023 1,601 2 View
In my dataset of employee performance, how can I use multiple regression to understand the relationships between various independent variables, such as education level, experience, and hours...
01 April 2023 9,827 2 View
Suppose I want to predict energy consumption for my building using regression analysis. What factors should I consider including in my model, and how can I determine their relative importance?
01 April 2023 1,716 3 View
I am looking for some research collaboration opportunities in interdisciplinary research. My specialisation is in the area of OB/HRM. You can contact me at https://linktr.ee/realdrdj
01 January 1970 6,195 3 View