7 Questions 6 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Dina Abdelsalam
Dear Researchers, I have time series data & I’m running OLS regression on Stata. I want to de-trend a variable while taking into consideration that the trend is stochastic not linear. This is...
09 February 2020 2,130 3 View
Dear Researchers, is there a possible way to run multivariate regression (several dependent variables) for panel data on Stata? if there is, what's the command please? Thank you
14 November 2018 9,937 3 View
Dear Researchers, I’m working on a panel N= 13 and T = 54. I ran fixed and random effects models. In addition, I wanted to run GMM model as a kind of robustness check and to control for...
18 August 2018 7,053 1 View
Dear all, I want to estimate 2 equations using bivariate probit model . The problem is that I'm dealing with Panel data and while searching, I find that (biprobit) command can not be used with...
07 May 2018 6,936 5 View
Dear Professors and Researchers, I’m working on panel data for 156 countries during the period (1960 – 2014). I have to estimate the following two equations: Prb(Ethnic inclusion) = B1...
23 April 2018 2,697 3 View
Dear all, I'm working on a panel data for 18 countries during the period 1960-2016. I ran Johansen-Fisher Cointegration test. According to trace statistics and Max Eigen statistics, there exists...
29 December 2017 1,245 3 View
Dear all, I want to make linear interpolation using E-views. I have E-views 8 and I can’t find the “Interpolate” option when I click on Proc. Is there any add-ins or installation program that I...
27 December 2017 1,765 7 View