18 Questions 22 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Cristina Andrés Barrao
Hello everyone, Please, can anyone address me to any source where I can find the different starting codons for non coding rrnas in prokaryotes? I know the known translation starting codons for...
05 July 2017 733 1 View
Dear all, I normally apply GTG5 fingerprinting to genotype a set of bacteria in our group collection. I was being successful from the beginning, but now the reactions do not work, just giving a...
17 May 2017 5,821 6 View
Hello everyone, For bacterial taxonomy based on the 16S rRNA gene, it is currently accepted the similarity cutoff of
08 February 2017 4,490 3 View
Dear all, I am trying to determine the efficiency of a set of primers for qPCR. Being my very first qPCR... it doesn't seem too good to me. Please, seeing the image attached, does anyone have an...
31 October 2016 7,052 4 View
Hello, To those who have experience in using flow cytometry for counting bacteria (anexic cultures), I would like to know what is the detection limit. I just had a kind of argument with a...
09 June 2016 356 2 View
Hello everyone. In order to perform RNA-Seq, we are extracting RNA from plant, shoot (leaves) and roots, and obtained the following profiles after Bioanalyzer analysis (see attached image; do not...
24 November 2015 2,786 2 View
Hi everyone. I'm trying to extract DNA from Gram-negative bacteria through a metabolic process, and using the GeneElute Bacterial Genomic DNA extraction kit (Sigma) My set of samples covers the...
28 July 2015 1,217 2 View
Gluconic acid is a highly polar molecule that can not diffuse passively through biological membranes. I'm interested in knowing the dipole moment of this molecule. Can anyone give me a tip? Thanks...
23 July 2015 7,779 2 View
Hi again, I know most people, expert bioinformaticians, use DESeq and EdgeR packages in RBioconductor to analyze differential expression from RNA-Seq data… Unfortunatelly, I'm experimentalist and...
16 October 2014 9,631 2 View
Hi everyone, I've used MAUVE before to work with a set of bacterial genomes and had no problems. Progressive alignment was performed by using genbank (.gbk) files as input and I obtained a nice...
17 July 2014 5,714 4 View
Hello every one. Hope you can help me. The task seems to be rather easy. I have a set of bacterial draft genomes in .gbk format and I want to used them as input into KEGG Automatic Annotation...
17 July 2014 6,114 3 View
I'm beginner in this field of biotechnology and intend to construct knockout strains of gram negative bacteria by homologous recombination. My question is the following. After inserting the...
09 June 2014 7,171 10 View
I'm intended to submit a publication for a journal of the American Society of Microbiology, but they doesn't provide this service. I used the one proposed by Elsiever once, but was not that happy...
05 May 2014 5,430 29 View
This is my particular survey to know how long people usually store total RNA samples at -80°C prior to library preparation for RNA-seq analysis. I would like to know if anyone has experience with...
24 March 2014 183 2 View
I've started to analyze organic acids by using HPLC a few months ago. For this purpose, I was trained by a master student in the utilization of the HPLC device, and the protocol he transferred me...
06 January 2014 6,163 12 View
I'm trying to find any commercial supplier of the following chemical compound: 2,5-diketo-D-gluconic acid, acid solution or salt. I found strange that in a reference from 1984 they use commercial...
28 October 2013 2,513 2 View
I'm starting a new project relating to the RNA of gram- bacteria. I've performed a few extractions of total RNA using the RiboPure kit from cells stabilized in RNALater solution, and all seemed to...
22 August 2013 2,824 19 View
I'm looking for a culture medium that will allow me to differentiate cellulose-producing bacteria from the non producing ones. I read something a while ago about an agar media that turned blue...
29 July 2013 6,761 7 View