26 Questions 92 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Clement O. Ogunkunle
I have noticed that some requests for scholarly articles from colleagues on RG and some by private emails (though published mostly not on open access status), are always turned down stating that...
05 October 2017 1,868 3 View
I want to seek the opinions of experts in the field of environmental science. I intend to determine elemental contents of some freeze dried plant samples collected after an experiment. Since I...
13 September 2017 4,459 10 View
I need info on any laboratory that has elemental analyzer that can determine carbon, hydrogen and nitrogen contents of a charred sample.
21 April 2017 4,669 5 View
I want to know the precise range of particle sizes that are considered appropriate when determining total and bio-available metal concentrations in agricultural soils. I understand most scholarly...
06 January 2016 1,899 15 View
I want to determine the activity of extractable Cu (pCu2+) and Pb (pPb2+) in the soil to evaluate their toxicity potential after some period of aging. Can someone provide a detail protocol to go...
14 November 2015 6,396 4 View
I want to choose some commercially manufactured biochars as soil amendment to immobilized heavy metal. The biochars are already characterized but I want to know the features to be considered in...
04 March 2015 850 7 View
Has anyone worked on nanoparticles using either X-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES) or Synchrotron radiation? I would appreciate an enlightenment on better techniques out of the two to...
18 November 2014 2,779 5 View
I have some ecological data and after checking for Normality, found out that there are outliers which need to be removed. But I want to ask if the removal of the outlier values and subsequent...
11 October 2014 1,750 18 View
Plant metabolomics is important in determining environmental biomarkers for plant exposure to contaminants. Is there any difference in the approaches- metabolic target analysis and metabolic...
27 September 2014 7,081 6 View
I intend to find the toxicity potential of certain metal nanoparticles on plant metabolism. Is it important to analyze the purity of the nanoparticle especially by XRD before use or not? What is...
09 September 2014 6,873 15 View
Is foliar application of systemic herbicide more effective than those that are applied to soil? I want to believe that foliar application of systemic herbicide would act fast and effectively on...
26 August 2014 8,299 7 View
I have been undertaking a study for the last two years on metal deposition from a point source into a surrounding soil. The first year study showed that levels of heavy metals were high,...
29 July 2013 8,793 2 View
There seems to be a standard range of the level of organic matter in the soil in order to refer to a soil as fertile. For instance, according to Metson (1961) as adapted from Booker Tropical Soil...
18 June 2013 3,166 13 View
I need some authentic procedures for the determination of PAH in soil and plant samples, possibly some recent referenced methodologies.
21 March 2013 4,162 3 View
I want to know how many samples could be considered appropriate for Semi-variogram ?
21 January 2013 3,875 1 View
The pollution of the river must have had entrance route for heavy metals, probably through some feeding channels to the river. I want to know if the heavy metal enrichment is from effluent...
15 December 2012 9,028 10 View
Past research works on pollutants/heavy metals level around oil and petroleum products depot.
09 December 2012 6,275 0 View
Just discovered that tomatoes have the potential to accumulate more Zn from soil contents than other vegetables like amaranth, even at reduced soil Zn contents.
28 November 2012 4,275 2 View
At times I get brain-drain when trying to convert results from spectrophotometry in mg/l to mg/kg. could some just give the easiest way involving the volume of digestate and mass of sample.
23 November 2012 8,673 9 View
Can someone send me the Pdf of the EPA (1996)- EPA 712-C-96-153 and 363 (Terrestrial Plant Toxicity).
21 November 2012 5,382 2 View
When digestion is carried out in an open system using nitric-perchloric acid, there is evidence of severe spurting after some periods of heat; can this be reduced or stopped?
14 November 2012 4,631 17 View
I recently delved into hydrogeochemistry though it is not my area of expertise. I want to assess the level of toxic metals in an urban river plus the macrophytes and sediments. I would appreciate...
06 November 2012 8,159 14 View
From various contributions, I now realised that any good spectrophotometer can be employed to determine Cd. The only condition to good results is the digestion strength of extractants. I have been...
03 November 2012 8,047 6 View
Can someone tell me why AAS is not always used for determination of cadmium in media? I have done some analysis to determine metals like Pb, Cu, Cr, Cd and Zn and Atomic Absorption...
01 November 2012 2,826 13 View
I understand that variogram can be employed to describe the geochemistry of soil in a large area, possibly regional. Can this variogram can be used for localized polluted areas, like industrial...
30 October 2012 6,708 5 View
There are plethora of papers and studies on the use of food crops as agents of phytoremediation of contaminated lands. I am wondering what will be the fate of food crops in the near future as this...
01 January 1970 735 3 View