19 Questions 68 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Clarence Protin
Researching this I routinely find that both the numbers 35768 km and 35786 km are given. Which one is correct or most accurate ?
25 February 2024 4,538 2 View
As is well known, the category of simplicial sets is but one possible 'incarnation' of a (combinatorial) model category among others (CW complexes, other 'shapes', etc.). In contemporary work on...
08 November 2023 4,250 0 View
Consider the class of real elementary functions defined on a real interval I. These are real analytic functions. How can we characterise their power series ? That is, what can we say about their...
21 October 2022 8,246 17 View
How would we go about specifying the position of our solar system in the universe, let us say to an intelligence residing in an unknown part of the universe (assuming for simplicity that we can...
16 October 2022 5,886 22 View
A Logic for Aristotle's Modal Syllogistic What would be a good journal to submit the paper above ?
05 December 2021 1,494 4 View
How does one get access to the Mizar Mathematical Library (MML) ? This refers to the Mizar system for the formalisation and automatic checking of mathematical proofs based on Tarski-Grothendieck...
04 December 2020 2,674 3 View
I call a digraph G= (V,E) essentially interconnected if whenever any vertex $a$ is removed from $G$ there is always at least one pair of distinct vertices $v$ and $w$ which can no longer be joined...
01 January 1970 9,298 4 View
If we take a description of the solar system in terms of Newton's equations then the solutions are time-reversible. But many phenomena in nature are observed to be non-reversible, "dissipative",...
01 January 1970 9,277 10 View
Suppose we conveniently extended the standard concept of cellular automaton to include graphs and state-spaces Q of any cardinality and that the transition function F belonged to a certain...
01 January 1970 7,924 26 View
It seems to me that "determinism" is not a rigorously defined concept. It obviously involves the order-structure of time T(what determines "before" and "after") as well as the possibility of...
01 January 1970 8,096 10 View
Could it be that there is a fifth fundamental force, a 'hypergravity' that only manifests (i.e. becomes physically significant) at a large cosmological scale ? The gravitational field of a quark...
01 January 1970 8,064 10 View
I am reading the paper of Jeremy Avigad, Edward Dean and John Mumma, entitled "A formal system for Euclid's Elements". Could this approach be extended to the books of Apollonius of Perga...
01 January 1970 6,712 2 View
What are some (esoteric) programming languages whose syntax comes closest to natural language ? An example usually given is Perl which was developed by a linguist. Personally I find that...
01 January 1970 7,296 26 View
I do not think that any approach to AI can ignore the massive data provided by the internet, part of which is nothing more than the digitalization of pre-internet or non-internet material. There...
01 January 1970 8,042 3 View
Stoic logic and in particular the work of Chrysippus (c. 279 – c. 206 BC) has only come down to us in fragments. To my knowledge the most accessible account is given in Sextus' Outlines of...
01 January 1970 3,433 17 View
Can general relativity be reinterpreted via continuum mechanics or in particular Non-Newtonian fluid mechanics of some hypothetical continuous medium filling space-time ? That is, gravitation and...
01 January 1970 7,980 3 View
Hegel's Science of Logic involves a trinary process: understanding -> dialectical reasoning -> speculative reasoning -> understanding at a higher level. This is analogous to a period 3 orbit, a...
01 January 1970 3,888 4 View
We contend that in the Kritik A70-76 (B95-101) Kant attempted to give what in modern terms would be a formal definition of the syntax of his logic (i.e. an inductive definition of judgment). The...
01 January 1970 7,155 8 View
Is the Poincaré Conjecture relatively easy to prove for the case of simply connected real analytic 3- manifolds ?
01 January 1970 8,087 1 View