6 Questions 11 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Chun Liu
The paper 'Robust Trajectory Tracking Error Model-Based Predictive Control for Unmanned Ground Vehicles' provide a nice algorithm, but I'm confused by the model mentioned in this paper. According...
09 March 2018 7,439 5 View
I have an LCP problems, can you provide me with the matlab codes of LCP solvers?
03 August 2017 1,839 1 View
Solve the continuous-time nonconvex optimal control problems as the attached file drawed with high efficiency. If you have a good idea, can you provide me with the example?
22 March 2017 7,573 8 View
How can we leverage the lossless convexication technique to convexify thembeforehand? I can't do this work for my own question by referring to Ackmese and Blackmore's paper according to the paper...
22 March 2017 682 2 View
Solve the continuous-time nonconvex optimal control problems as the attached file drawed with high efficiency. If you have a good idea, can you provide me with the example code?
21 March 2017 5,121 4 View
I have read the paper "Lossless Convexication of a Class of Optimal Control Problems with Non-Convex Control Constraints" and other paper you have published,and your methods are very good, but I...
01 January 1970 9,572 1 View