4 Questions 4 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Chanditha Karunanayake
I have a MIMO system of order 14 with two inputs and two outputs. I want to apply feedback linearisation to control it. I have attempted this, and as a result I have a FBL system with a combined...
13 June 2018 393 4 View
The equation at the terminal of the DFIG can be written as: Vt = Vgsc - Xgsc*Igsc However, in doing so it results in an algebraic loop. How do I solve this?
23 May 2017 2,064 3 View
How do I go about eliminating the offset that arises due to the numerical integration in PSCAD? For example when the input signal is a Sine wave I get a -Cosine wave + offset as the output. I...
15 December 2016 177 2 View
In a dq reference frame rotating at synchronous speed: If the d axis of an induction machine is oriented with the maximum of the stator flux, how does it result in the stator q axis voltage (Vqs)...
26 April 2016 7,438 4 View