23 Questions 72 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Bob Lew
This is in the context of suicidal study using cross-section design and having one university representing one state from where samples were drawn from.
01 December 2019 701 0 View
As the beliefs and practice of different religions differ, and the practice of different religions may differ in certain countries and they may also face different environmental factors (e.g. such...
24 November 2018 6,962 1 View
What is CUFE-Gold-Key?
30 March 2017 1,497 1 View
Internet or Facebook Anthropology? Can Facebook do something about these?
26 January 2017 2,468 3 View
What scale is best to measure/assess SUICIDAL IDEATION or SUICIDAL RISK for youth in universities? Especially to compare among religions to see whether people with different religions have...
14 October 2016 1,332 3 View
By using three available scales: 1. Beck's HOPELESSNESS Scale; 2. SBQ-R (Suicide Behavioural Questionnaire); and 3. ATTS (Attitudes Towards Suicide Scale) Are these sufficient to form a sort...
13 September 2016 9,562 5 View
I am studying Religiosity and Suicide. Any good books on Buddhism. Also on those other categorised as Chinese Folk Religions? Regards.
05 September 2016 2,993 3 View
Any good book on the history of protestants and Lutheranism, and how protestants spread; and also any difference in concept and practice?
04 September 2016 8,133 2 View
I am working on Religiosity and Suicide. How can we get better insights into the mind of selected samples, besides using in-depth interview? I am researching on Religiosity and Suicide. Thus any...
03 September 2016 7,281 3 View
There been many studies in the Western countries on the relationship between religion and suicide since Durkheim (1897). About 120 years now, there are still many studies using various perspective...
01 September 2016 272 3 View
What SUICIDAL IDEATION scale will be good to measure whether Religion is a protective factor against suicide by using together with a Level of Religiosity scale (in a multi-religious context...
29 August 2016 7,441 3 View
Is Religious Commitment Scale appropriate to be used in a sample comprising different religions to measure level of religiosity of each person regardless of his or her religion? This is to provide...
29 August 2016 2,418 4 View
More than a century ago, our few fathers of modern sociology discussed about Protestants being more industrial and individualistic, when they discuss about the spirit of capitalism, religious...
27 August 2016 8,320 5 View
WHO Report 2012 quoted India of which about 80% of the people are Hinduism has a high suicide rate of about 21 per 100K population, while global average is about 11.4 per 100K population. Does...
06 August 2016 7,724 6 View
One century ago, Durkheim measured completed suicide from coroner's office and religious affiliations for countries in Western Europe for comparison. Today, it may not be as meaningful to just...
06 August 2016 531 6 View
Catholics used to have empirical data to support a lower suicide rate compared to Protestants based on certain practices as espoused by Durkheim. However, nowadays, we seldom get a country which...
31 July 2016 6,762 10 View
Is there any good book discussing Christianity (or perception of Christians today) and Suicide based on current context in today's time ... including relevant biblical texts? As far as I know, all...
22 July 2016 1,410 3 View
Teenagers and youths seem to spend more and more time on internet and on social network applications. It may be a way (I am not sure effective or not) to reach them. Many spend more time on the...
21 July 2016 2,761 7 View
Any sort of relationship? Positive, Negative, Neutral? There's nothing we can do from this angle?
21 July 2016 3,276 13 View
We have notable figures on sociology like Weber, Durkheim, Marx, etc., a century ago. Capitalism, free economy, financial economy, stock exchanges, etc., have all changed so much - if I may say,...
18 July 2016 392 8 View
Continuing from my previous questions or exploration, what does it mean trying to see things / or research certain phenomena from a "sociological" perspective? Do we have a common definition of...
14 June 2016 3,146 15 View
WHO has quoted US suicide rate as about 14-15/100K population from its website (current most recent data appears to be from 2016), and there have been quite a few news release from various...
01 January 1970 5,894 3 View
Does it come from Ministry of Health (based on what data) or from the police? I think there may be some under-estimation along the pipe-line. Good data may guide the legislator and government...
01 January 1970 3,748 1 View