7 Questions 97 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Björn Thrandur Björnsson
We currently working on wolffish larvae hatched from wild-caught eggs and at ca 180 dph we're still not sure to which species they belong. Hopefully, we'll see this later in the juvenile/adult...
26 August 2016 6,156 7 View
An interesting opinion piece has just been published in the journal Science arguing that we should retire the letter of reference. From reading the piece I'm astonished by the amount of reference...
05 February 2016 4,822 37 View
Fish have various ways of depositing fat as energy reserves. Some ("fatty") species have a lot of fat deposited in their muscle tissue whereas others ("lean") species may have large liver as their...
17 June 2014 4,200 5 View
Sustainability is a word constantly being used in describing various aquaculture systems, defining goals for aquaculture etc, but what does this really mean? Does it demand no environmental...
31 January 2014 3,247 36 View
Often, cortisol levels in fish are measured immunologically using antibodies with high (or non-defined) cross-reactivity with corticosterone. A few references (and I'm looking for more) indicate...
31 October 2013 5,599 4 View
In a recent discussion tread on open access, my attention was drawn to a recent paper in Nature (see link) outlining publication costs and the large profit margins that the publishing houses are...
10 June 2013 5,786 38 View
I've never seen good data on the energetic costs of producing fat vs lean fish, but to me it seems obvious that growing lean fish must result in a much better feed conversion efficiency.
15 September 2012 7,450 28 View