15 Questions 40 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Bishwajit Pal
Autonomous vehicle, robots and rovers are finding applications in space exploration. Which tasks can Autonomous rovers and robots can take over from human (In other planets like mars, or moon or...
04 June 2021 703 4 View
If we have a set of 2D points scattered across a 2D plane (in a specific pattern), how can I draw a curve through most of these 2D points? If few of the points have deviated outside the actual...
14 November 2014 5,482 14 View
I am looking for motherboards which has minimum set of IO chips fabricated on it. The motherboard must house only the processor, RAM, Hard-drive (SATA) , an Ethernet socket and nothing else. There...
04 September 2014 7,256 5 View
This thread is to get the researcher's view on using the ARM based development board (Rasberry Pi, Beagle Bone Black, Odroid or Pandaboards) for embedded applications (controlling motors, sensors...
08 August 2014 2,076 5 View
Recently there have been some releases of ARM version of windows (Windows RT). Is the Win-RT mature enough to start developing real time application on it ? Where does Windows Stands w.r.t linux...
29 March 2014 5,836 3 View
I need to write some files on the disk where the retrieval and writing is fastest. Are there any libraries or tools where we can direct the OS (Operating System) or application to write files to a...
17 March 2014 6,410 8 View
Please help me find a real-time operating system (preferably open source) to start off with. Searching through Google provides a lot of options and I am very confused by the different platforms....
17 March 2014 1,070 8 View
An standard ADXL chipset will yield tilted axis along the X,Y and Z axis (taking gravity as the reference axis). I require to draw a rectangular plane on a 3d ViewPort . Using this X,Y and Z axis...
02 March 2014 9,579 2 View
I am trying to build a software system which will sense the real word in 3D (and do some AI stuffs to detect obstacle etc). At present I am using the Microsoft kinetic / creative 3D depth camera...
26 February 2014 9,893 6 View
We have seen some API's on windows which can display the voltages to the processor. Is there any way to measure the amperage to the processor? The idea is to monitor the power usage of the...
18 February 2014 3,907 4 View
In an Intel Processor does each of the cores has its own independent L1 and L2 Cache. In the intel architecture diagram it says "Shared L3" Cache. does this means that the memory allocation in...
18 February 2014 8,855 13 View
If I have a camera on the usb port (OS : Windows Server 2008/ Windows 7) and a C# program is streaming the image frames and doing some image processing, can I consider that the images coming from...
17 February 2014 5,192 1 View
What is the best way to Schedule/Execute two separate codes on a dual core processor? Consider that the two codes don't have any dependency on each other or any shared resources. For Example : one...
17 February 2014 558 16 View
How to achieve real time programming in .NET? Is there any additional framework available? How to stop a program from executing if the time has lapsed. so, if I say a code needs to finish by "1sec...
12 September 2013 3,759 6 View
is there any way a program can emit codes. Not by doing string concatenation. it should logically generate codes based on observation.
09 October 2012 1,461 1 View