12 Questions 37 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Bessat Elmie
We, humans, couldn't have abstracted the identity of indiscernibles and self-identity from our sense perception; the existence of space precludes the possibility of two objects (a,b) being...
07 July 2019 1,029 13 View
What would be the social implications of this new discovery? Given the most urgent problems humanity faces right now--international militant terrorism, refugee crisis, rising of the right-wing...
04 April 2019 9,938 6 View
Pragmatically, there doesn't seem to be a difference between the imperative "help me!" and the "ought to" sentence "You ought to help me!" since they both aim at provoking the hearer into the same...
03 March 2019 10,032 4 View
Variations of the Socratic peritrope-- if it is the case that there is no truth, then isn't the very assertion that "there is no truth" itself a truth?!--has been a staple of many formal attacks...
03 March 2019 9,828 60 View
Absolute moral norms eventually come in the form of imperative sentences e.g. "One ought not to harm animals for entertainment purposes" etc. But imperative sentences don't have any truth value (...
10 October 2018 8,152 7 View
Is there any particular object of desire that can subsume all the other human desires? How can one philosophically argue for such an "intrinsically" valued object of desire/ "the absolute...
04 April 2018 7,237 2 View
One could argue that artificial intelligence serves as a means to finally falsify some substantial philosophical claims, about the nature of the mind-body problem for instance. More specifically,...
08 August 2017 2,749 14 View
Some AI philosophers have argued to the effect that to desire/ to want is an exclusively organic/animal property which by definition cannot be duplicated on an intelligence machine, no matter how...
07 July 2017 2,703 29 View
What are the more fundamental concepts in terms of which one can formally grasp the concept "problem"? Do all "problems" (mathematical, practical, existential, aesthetic, philosophical,...
06 June 2017 8,830 1 View
I'm particularly looking for papers which debate the possibility vs. impossibility of "fault tolerant reasoning" in strong AI i.e. the ways a sufficiently advanced AI would deal with logical or...
06 June 2017 4,258 17 View
According to one formulation (Karl Popper's), a "problem" arises when an " expectation" is unfulfilled; that is, "problems" are generated when the subjective projected desires of an organism clash...
06 June 2017 7,709 3 View
Stephen Hawking has famously defined intelligence as " the ability to adapt to change"; a more precise definition ( which in a sense subsumes Hawking's definition as well) would, I think, read...
02 February 2017 981 10 View