10 Questions 11 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Basabendu Barman
As far as I know, black hole evaporation means emission of photons due to particle anti-particle annihilation outside the black hole(BH) event horizon. Then how come SUSY and other particles are...
21 April 2018 7,416 6 View
How can I obtain the DM DM -> SM SM annihilation cross section if the DM effective operator is given? It would be really helpful if someone can show me the detail derivation.
10 March 2017 6,095 3 View
For a Vector Boson DM, I have the following spin-independent direct detection (scattering) cross-section with nucleus (please see the attahced file), where n_n and n_p are the number of nucleons...
05 March 2017 7,236 3 View
The thermally averaged cross-section can be expanded as = a + bv^2+... where the first term corresponds to s-wave, second term corresponds to p-wave and so on. Why these terms are...
15 February 2017 6,962 3 View
In collider physics I have frequently come across H_T cut over jet momenta. How do we define this quantity and what is the physical reason for applying this apart from missing energy cut?
13 February 2017 4,896 3 View
We know that ${\gamma_{mu},\gamma_{nu}}$= 2 $g_{\mu\nu}$, where $g_{\mu\nu}$ is the flat metric . That shows spinors are someway related to the metric of space. Can anyone please explain how?
17 September 2016 9,073 2 View
In case of time-independent perturbation theory in Quantum mechanics, we find that, the first order correction to the energy is the expectation value of the perturbation in the unperturbed...
08 July 2016 9,785 4 View
In context with quark models we frequently come across CKM(Cabibbo–Kobayashi–Maskawa matrix) matrix. I need a clear idea on how CKM matrix helps.
16 January 2016 7,798 3 View
Standard texts say that whenever the rate of annihilation goes below the rate of expansion "decoupling" takes place and when the abundance of the decoupled entity does not change with time we say...
13 October 2015 8,465 4 View
Recently I have been trying to calculate the spin independent scattering cross section for direct search of dark matter for a particular dark matter model. I came across several papers where the...
19 September 2015 371 11 View