8 Questions 31 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Arijit Ghosh
Any tool or package to prepare input files for Circos visualization of NGS data? I know of some, but not very user-friendly.
09 September 2018 9,636 4 View
Is it possible to discover the variants responsible for variation in quantitative traits between two laboratory selected populations by pooled whole genome sequencing? If yes, how? Also, keep in...
09 September 2018 9,097 12 View
I have list of some nucleotide positions after an analysis, I need to find out which genes those nucleotides belong to. This could be done in UCSC, DAVID etc, but remember, I do not have a range...
02 February 2018 6,429 11 View
I need to download any gene set to analyze them in DAVID and PANTHER as part of a course. Most of the database are not giving tab delimited text files to put into DAVID or PANTHER.
05 May 2017 9,924 3 View
I am thinking of buying YASARA Structure package to use it for Transmembrane ion channel homology modeling, MD simulations etc. I was wondering if someone can help me with understanding this whole...
03 March 2015 5,901 11 View
I want to measure the uptake of Cadmium, Strontium and Arsenic by cells. I want to do it in live cells mainly, so it will be better if someone can suggest any methods involving microscopy. Any...
12 December 2014 8,585 9 View
Please provide reference.
06 June 2013 8,766 0 View
What can we use except D-limonene? It's basically an organic solvent, but the permeability is actually about the waxy layer (~5 nm) surrounding the vitelline membrane. Would acetone be right for this?
05 May 2013 4,691 13 View