13 Questions 29 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Andrés Silva
Dear community I have a great doubt related to pH in grains. It has been reported that some amino acids could be influencing the pH level. However, could minerals located in the inner parts of...
25 September 2020 6,945 14 View
Dear community The calculation of the hue angle has been attempted with positive values in the CIELab system, considering the formula: tan-1 ( b* / a*) For example: With a = 0.23, and b =...
12 May 2020 6,312 2 View
Dear community I have been working on a research related to the milling effect on the physicochemical properties of a whole flour product. Analyses of moisture, lipid, protein, ash, fiber, etc....
02 May 2020 5,840 0 View
Dear community Different models of these chambers have been installed in many countries in order to combat COVID 19. In South-America, such as Peru and Chile, mobile disinfection chambers have...
23 April 2020 3,740 16 View
Hello everybody Recently, I've performed TPC assay and I have had some problems. Well, I started with 100 uL of extract that was filtered through a syringe filter 0.45 um. It was added 400 uL of...
29 September 2017 4,445 4 View
Hello everybody TPC assay involve the use of Folin Ciocalteu and sodium carbonate at different concentrations, but how are they standardized? For example, hydrochloric acid is standardized through...
28 September 2017 6,045 3 View
Hello everybody Could you give an advice about lipid content in leaves, please? I found, through Soxhlet method, that lipid content is higher than 10%. I'd really appreciate your help. Thank you...
28 August 2017 4,971 5 View
Hello everybody Through total phenolic assay I've obtained 47.6 mg/g plant sample as a final result, but this is presented in wet basis (w.b). It was recommended that moisture content (84.5%) must...
26 August 2017 4,390 14 View
Good afternoon Question is related to phenolic compounds. The method was performed as follows: - First, 20 ml of ethanol were added to 0.1 g of dry sample. Second, the extract (0.1 ml) was used to...
13 May 2017 3,433 6 View
Hello everybody In the measurement of anthocyanins, I've calculated a concentration value of 6800 mg/L for cyanidin-3-glucoside, through the next formula: (Abs x M.W. x D.F. X 1000)/(ε x 1), where...
25 April 2017 6,888 12 View
Hello, Is gallic acid standard curve procedure similar to Trolox standard curve? Initially, how much quantity of Trolox should be weighed? Is it diluted in methanol or ethanol, which is better?...
01 March 2017 5,262 5 View
I'm working with leaves for the determination of Total Phenolic Content and for quantifying this is necessary a standard curve of gallic acid. Could you give some options about concentration?
03 February 2017 7,895 4 View
Actually, there is a range of articles about quantification of phenolics/antioxidant activity and methanol is widely used for this purpose because of its good polarity and performance to allow...
17 January 2017 7,404 2 View