4 Questions 12 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Aliya Mirza
Is there any treatments for this disease? A 11 months old child was just diagnosed with Schindler disease type 1. The parents are really concerned. There are only 20 cases in the world with this...
02 June 2020 651 0 View
Any information on COVID-19 metabolism or enzymes? Which metabolic pathway does COVID-19 induce, or which environment does it prefer? Does it take advantage of the excess lactate due to the...
24 April 2020 4,810 3 View
Who was the FIRST case of COVID-19? Why don't we know who patient zero is ? I know it started in China. Where in China? Which lab? Which hospital? This virus has an algorithmic behavior. We...
17 April 2020 6,659 6 View
The virus has an algorithmic behavior. And we still don't have enough info on how its mutating and adapting. Its either "stay at home" and deprive the virus from a host. Or "everyone come out and...
01 January 1970 10,037 7 View