5 Questions 17 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Alex Boye
I am working on an investigational anti-HCC drug which seems to suppress the expression of pERK, pJNK in both HepG2 cells (in vitro) and DEN-induced HCC in rats (in vivo), but while this drug...
22 April 2014 7,254 1 View
Transforming growth factor beta 1 has become a 'necessary evil' giving its role in normal homeostatic processes and pathophysiological states such as cancer. Many studies have focused on its...
14 April 2014 6,405 1 View
It is reported that the biting pattern of mosquitoes happens in a manner and time when plasmodium parasites are feeding on the host blood and the reason given is that that helps to transmit the...
04 March 2014 9,705 18 View
Mammals such as cats and mice serve as intermediate host for Toxoplasma gondii, but unexplained reports indicate that mice who naturally offset cats lose that survival sense of urgency following...
04 March 2014 6,421 9 View
Different chemicals are produced by bacteria for inter and intra species communication, how do we use these chemicals to our advantage in developing antibiotics?
14 February 2014 6,915 13 View