8 Questions 358 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Alastair Bain McDonald
Heinrich events occurred when iceberg armadas mostly from the Laurentian ice sheet spread across the north Atlantic depositing ice-rafted detritus (IRD) on the seafloor. It is argued that when...
19 January 2022 4,518 7 View
Assuming that there are no chemical buffers present, can anyone confirm that if I want to convert the pH of a basic solution to the pH of an acidic solution then the amount of a monoprotic acid...
28 October 2020 9,324 7 View
In the latest issue of Science mag it says: "Methane is about 86 times more powerful as a greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide over a 20 year time period ..." [Dean, Joshua F., 2020, "Old methane...
24 February 2020 8,507 8 View
When two excited carbon dioxide molecules collide will one of them emit a photon, or will both? As I understand it, collisions between two molecules can result in one becoming excited, or an...
18 October 2019 1,367 3 View
Wollastonite has the chemical formula CaSiO3 and so should dissolve in water to produce Ca2+ and SiO32- ions i.e.: CaSiO3 Ca2+ + SiO32- Is this true? I suspect the reaction actually...
04 April 2019 837 9 View
John Koch measured the absorption of pure carbon dioxide in tubes up to 387 cm long. How does this compare with the amount of absorption by the atmosphere? Is there a formula which would relate...
16 January 2019 3,424 5 View
Does anyone know of a site where I can find the pH of ocean waters in various oceans and at various depths?
24 May 2018 8,141 12 View
The chemical equation: Ca2+ + 2HCO3- = CaCO3 + CO2 + H2O is often quoted as the equation for the formation of biogenic calcium carbonate. Does anyone know its history or who first proposed this...
15 August 2017 2,171 10 View