13 Questions 217 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Alaa Hani Al-Charrakh
Many bad doctors and pharmacists try to write or give the maximum number of antibiotic prescriptions for personal gain. Do you think this has a role in propagating antibiotic resistance? Regards
01 January 2019 7,733 0 View
I've recently read an interesting and amazing topic regarding the occurrence of bacteria in clouds!!! My question is: Do any bacteria live in clouds? Has anybody references that support this topic?
08 August 2017 6,735 0 View
A human race is defined as a group of people with certain common inherited features that distinguish them from other groups of people like white, Asian, and Black. Once upon time, I've read an...
08 August 2017 9,856 0 View
I'm working a research to assess the prevalence the contamination of non-sterile pharmaceuticals (NSPs) with antibiotic resistance bacteria and alternative microorganisms. Different samples of...
07 July 2017 9,137 25 View
Is Parasitology discipline a part of Microbiology? Several textbooks enrolls Parasitology discipline within the science of Microbiology, in addition to other numerous sub-disciplines including...
12 December 2016 2,063 9 View
Can anyone have a copy of CLSI M45-A2? This version of CLSI document relating Methods of Antimicrobial Dilution and Disk Susceptibility Testing for infrequently isolated or fastidious...
11 November 2016 9,963 3 View
Group translocation transfer systems (GT) are more commonly known as the phosphotransferase system (PTS) in E. coli, are used primarily for the transport of sugars. They are common in facultative...
11 November 2016 6,822 0 View
Facilitated diffusion is the only transport system that does not require energy. Can any one answer me: Why facilitated diffusion is common in eukaryotes (mammalian cells) but its uncommon in...
11 November 2016 9,604 2 View
Do human tears have DNA? Please any one can answer this Q?
10 October 2016 1,871 8 View
1. How can I amplify it’s DNA or RNA?2. How can I identify what group it belonged (Viruses, Bacteria,….)?3. What is the genus ,species, strain, suspected ?4. Is it a new strain of known agent?
04 April 2016 9,643 6 View
Dear author Regards Thank you for your wonderful paper. In Jan 2017, I had also published an article relating to tetracycline-resistant Aeromonas hydrophila, but it was isolated from patients...
01 January 1970 8,977 0 View
Dear author Regards Thank you for your wonderful paper. About 4 year ago, I had also published an article relating to S. lugdenensis titled 'First Record of Isolation and Characterization of...
01 January 1970 4,754 0 View
I'm working a research to assess the prevalence the contamination of non-sterile pharmaceuticals with antibiotic resistance bacteria and alternative microorganisms. Different samples of oral and...
01 January 1970 3,452 7 View