16 Questions 45 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from A.K.M. Moyeenul Huq
I am isolating compounds from plant. i have got 2 types of crystals,one is needle like and another cubic in shape in a vial. now from here how can i separate them? any technique??
03 April 2015 5,640 6 View
I have been synthesizing cDNA using QuantiTech Rev Transcrp (Qiagen) kit to see the expression of TFF1 gene. In the label of the kit box it says that this kit synthesize cDNA which is specific for...
29 December 2014 2,521 8 View
I have three Plasmids in glycerol stock. I labelled them and kept in -80 freezer for 6-7 months. Now when I wanted to take them out from the freezer I found the the labels disappeared. Now is...
18 August 2014 2,318 12 View
I have done a MTT cell proliferation assay on a cell line with 6 different concentrations of a plant crude extract, and replicated 4 times. In most cases, I found the activity was found in the...
01 June 2014 6,818 12 View
I have primers from Integrated DNA Technologies in lyophilized form. The amount of Oligo is 25.5 nMoles = 0.16 mg. Now how should I dissolve it? Which solvent should I use? And how much of it?
25 March 2014 6,646 11 View
I am culturing MCF-7 cancer cell line in RPMI with phenol red and without phenol red for my experiment. 10% FBS is used. The passage is 42. For the last couple of passages I see that the cells are...
18 January 2014 4,688 10 View
If I don't have DEPC/DEPC treated water, what alternative can I use to make my working pipette, tubes, tips RNase free ? And how?
18 December 2013 1,905 8 View
I am going to perform transfection of plasmids. I have got them from Addgene. 1st time I extracted plasmid using a sample mini prep kit from a company the quality was good. But next time I used...
06 July 2013 4,117 2 View
I want to buy an RNA ladder. How do I know which size I need to buy (high range or low range)? What are the things I need to consider?
09 May 2013 8,896 3 View
I want to perform an MTT assay for a cell proliferation study. After culturing the cells, when we need to seed the cells in a 96 well plate then how would I calculate the volume of cell containing...
22 March 2013 6,053 5 View
Is ii possible to run HPLC analytical crude extract of Hexane and DCM using C18 column? How to prepare extract sample and what will be the choice of solvent for mobile phase?
12 January 2013 5,078 10 View
I ned to get the structure of some compounds (Phyto). I have the names only but need the structure. any software/website to convert the chemical name to its structure?
26 December 2012 5,933 11 View
I want to run HPLC for my Water extract. For my plant no paper found to chose a solvent system for HPLC.
24 December 2012 9,542 8 View
We have Waters PDA Prep HPLC in our lab. Suddenly I am facing problem with fluctuation of pressure. What are the factors that can influence the pressure? How to solve this problem?
23 December 2012 2,914 16 View
How acid/base can give better separation of spots? Is it called derivatization? How do they work? Can anyone suggest a book that has a clear concept about it?
03 November 2012 5,900 2 View
Sometimes I see people adjust the pH of the mobile phase in TLC. How does this help in separation?
28 October 2012 3,581 4 View