10 Questions 3 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Aizaz Ul Haq
Often, during the development many structures first undergo proliferation such that their lumen first gets occluded almost completely and then "recanalize" again as the central cells undergo...
01 August 2022 8,062 2 View
There is too much discrepency among the textbooks of vertebrate embryology. There are two interpretations of the term "Prechordal plate" in different books: It is the cranial most part of the...
25 November 2020 8,790 1 View
I had a few questions regarding Convalescent Plasma Therapy Why can't we use whole blood rather than convalescent plasma only? or Plasma + WBC (Adoptive cell transfer). This way we will transfer...
11 June 2020 2,657 9 View
Hepatitis B transmission through sexual contact has been widely recognized. My question is, can it transmit through intact vaginal/anal mucosa? Or it can only be transmitted through microabrasions...
30 April 2020 2,092 0 View
Almost all the microbiology textbooks and relevant research articles mention that Hepatitis B core antigen is not released into the blood of the host. It rather interacts with other core antigen...
15 April 2020 5,624 6 View
I know both can detect presence of virus but what is the exact difference between qPCR and qualitative PCR ? How and when is one preffered over the other?
16 March 2020 10,155 4 View
Companies like Moderna are working on mRNA based vaccine as they can trigger both cell mediated as well humoral arm of immunity. But why traditional protein based vaccines can't trigger sufficient...
01 March 2020 9,229 3 View
ΔG = ΔG°+ RT ln K How to derive this equation ? I searched it a lot but couldn't find a clear explanation.
15 December 2019 9,431 5 View
Verapamil, A calcium channel blocker is used for prophylaxis of cluster headache. Verapamil is a vasodilator. What is its mechanism in preventing headache ?
20 November 2019 7,638 4 View
Why do Anticancer drugs kill a constant fraction of cells (Log-kill Hypothesis) rather than a constant number of cells ?
19 September 2019 3,801 1 View