16 Questions 7 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Ahamed Lebbe Mohamed Aslam
Dear researchers, I am interested in studying the long-run relationship between the panel datasets. However, most of the empirical works used the PMG/ARDL technique to test the long-run parameters...
12 February 2022 3,495 6 View
I am interested in studying the variance decomposition of VAR output. However, I have a problem with how to interpret the output of variance decomposition. Therefore, I expect the anwer or...
06 September 2020 4,769 3 View
In eviews software I cannot find the facilitiy of testing the nonlinear short run causality. If so, I wish to know from experts what we do to perform the nonlinear Granger Causality. Therefore,...
08 March 2020 4,882 3 View
Dear cliques, I am engaged in a study of testing the cointegration using ARDL technique. Though, I got the summary of long - run model and check robustness of that model. The problem is that I...
17 October 2018 975 12 View
Dear researchers, Now I am engaged on the study of impact of workers' remittance on money supply. In order to study this relationship, I want to connect the workers' remittances on money supply...
30 June 2018 503 2 View
Dear friends, I want to understand the difference between static and dynamic terms and models. Because, most of the scholars in economic use both terms without clear idea on them.
19 June 2018 9,228 4 View
Dear friends; I have a doubt that why we employ the cointegration technique to test the long - run relationship between the variables. Can't we use the regression technique to test the long - run...
18 June 2018 8,056 3 View
Now I am engaged to test the cointegration among some variables. In this study, I have a plan to use both the Autoregressive Distributed Lag and Nonlinear Autoregressive Distributed Lag techniques...
16 June 2018 6,798 17 View
Dears, I want to know that how the yearly time series data can be change as monthly data. Is there any econometric technique?
24 May 2017 9,171 9 View
Dears, I am currently working on a time series project, in which i want to apply the silent features of time series to describe the series. Therefore, I am expecting the answer from you. Thanking you
08 May 2017 703 4 View
Dear experts, I want to know the difference between the Poisson and normal regression methods? If you are able to give the answer it will be useful to researchers
19 February 2017 9,268 3 View
Dear experts, I am working on Dynamic impact of workers' remittances on economic growth of Sri Lanka as research. In which, i want to use a theory part. Therefore, i want to know which theory can...
19 November 2016 1,915 9 View
Dear colleagues I am working on "Impact of workers' remittances on Sri Lankan economy" for my PhD. I like to use the ARDL bound testing approach for deducting the co integration between the...
01 June 2016 2,402 2 View
I have an idea to test the co- integration between the foreign remittance and economic growth of Sri Lanka. Therefore please advice me which method is good.
08 March 2016 9,314 11 View
Hello,I have a doubt for using the ANOVA table, therefore, could you pleas explain my question
16 February 2016 2,845 3 View
what are the steps to measure the co integration analysis based on the Johanson method?
06 February 2016 3,224 3 View