9 Questions 9 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Adam Clark
Hello everyone, I've come across a complication while doing some data analysis and was looking for some advice and interpretations. I need to a run a two way ANCOVA on some data; I'm testing the...
08 February 2021 10,010 1 View
Hello colleagues, I was wondering if I could ask for general advice or guidance on something? I tried to submit a paper recently, but it got rejected on this occasion. Essentially, we did a...
27 November 2019 4,042 2 View
Hello everyone, I was just wondering if someone could offer some advice or point me in the direction of a paper that could answer my question? We currently have some femur samples that have been...
19 February 2019 2,456 3 View
Dear All, I was just wondering if I could ask the general community what their approach is in regards to statistical analysis of data? Would you perform statistics on raw data, including...
14 August 2017 2,039 7 View
Hi everyone, was wondering if I could run something by you all? I need to identify promoter sequences in several genes of interest as we are interested in doing bisulfite sequencing to determine...
14 February 2017 5,874 3 View
Hi everyone, I was wondering if I could please receive some feedback with something? I am currently investigating what genes are being up regulated/down regulated in pigs suffering from a...
06 May 2016 5,113 10 View
Hi everyone, I was wondering if I could please run something by you all and gain some feedback? I am required to synthesise cDNA from RNA for qPCR experiments, so far we've been able to get a...
25 February 2016 4,402 3 View
Hello All. I am not entirely sure if what I am seeing is a problem but I wanted to get it out there and see if there this is a problem which I will need to resolve. I am doing a lot of qPCR's at...
07 October 2015 9,785 8 View
I need to design primers to amplify and quantify cDNA targets in a qPCR assay, the cDNA of which has been reverse transcribed from isolated RNA from pig tissues. However the mRNA sequences for...
09 June 2015 2,927 3 View