25 Questions 31 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Abdullahi Abbas Adam
I would like to know how varying the applied voltage affects impedance measurement using an Autolab workstation.
03 February 2023 5,119 6 View
Please could anyone tell me how to calculate such parameters as diffusion coefficient, mobility, number density and capacitance formed at electrode/electrolyte interface.
10 April 2022 7,939 2 View
Given the real and imaginary impedance values (Zr and Zi) and the frequency, how can I determine the |Z| values of polymer electrolytes?
03 March 2022 1,346 2 View
I want to know what are the shortcomings of the two techniques and how did they differ from RSM. Also, are they artificial intelligence algorithms or not. Thank you
29 January 2022 2,312 9 View
I observed the values of Zi for my sample is much lower (about 1 order of magnitude) than Zr? Please what is the physical interpretation of this result?
07 December 2021 4,911 2 View
I have two different brands of methylcellulose (MC). One has a viscosity of 15 cP (MC 15) while the other has 4,000 cP (MC 4,000). MC 15 yields a clearer and less viscous solution when dissolved...
28 July 2021 9,503 3 View
What is the difference between DC conductivity and AC conductivity of polymer electrolytes? Is AC conductivity also related to bulk resistance obtained from the Nyquist plot? How do we calculate...
22 June 2021 3,995 2 View
Why are there no reports on polymer electrolytes containing organic salts as ion donors? Are these salts not suitable for energy storage?
17 June 2021 4,823 1 View
I want to prepare a porous membrane via nonsolvent induced phase separation (NIPS). I don't know if I can use a glass petri dish for the coagulating process. Your valuable suggestions are highly...
24 April 2021 3,520 4 View
I am supposed to thermally stabilize my carbon nanofiber (at about 250 deg Cel) before subjecting it to carbonization. However, the nanofiber always melts before reaching 200 deg Cel. Please could...
01 March 2021 7,435 0 View
I obtained an EIS graph for my solid electrolyte but it seems the intercept is negative. What does a negative resistance (corresponding to negative conductance) mean?
04 February 2021 10,007 2 View
My solid polymer electrolyte shows low bulk resistance show quite a low bulk resistance. However, the potential window (obtained from LVS) is very small. Please how can I improve the operating...
01 February 2021 3,567 9 View
I prepared solid polymer electrolyte using solution casting technique. After solvent drying, it is very difficult for me to peel off the solid electrolyte from the petri dish. I end up with small...
01 February 2021 4,603 5 View
I want to prepare a cellulose-based biopolymer solid electrolyte by solution casting technique. However, choosing the right cellulose derivative has been my major challenge. Among the many factors...
31 January 2021 5,568 3 View
I tried to dissolve wheat flour in different solvents; DI water, dilute acetic acid, dilute acrylic acid and ethanol. The flour seems not to dissolve perfectly in any of these solvents. Could...
21 January 2021 5,959 6 View
I have been trying to prepare PVA based hydrogel by drying the viscous liquid in air atmosphere but the hydrogel isn't formed every time. Is skipping the freeze-drying process responsible for not...
28 December 2020 3,371 6 View
I have seen the terms "gravimetric capacitance", "volumetric capacitance", "areal capacitance" and "specific capacitance" used severally in different places but I cannot clearly distinguish...
10 November 2020 2,288 4 View
Nanofibril is a term that keep confusing me when reading research articles. I always find it difficult to distinguish between nanofibril and nanofiber.
21 September 2020 8,228 4 View
I thought that a freestanding nanofiber electrode means that the electrode is binder free. However, some articles use 'freestanding' and 'binder free' simultaneously and this gets me confused.
10 August 2020 154 0 View
When ever I try to dissolve some polymers in a mixture of acetone and DMF, I observe that the volume of the solution keeps decreasing with stirring time even at room temperature. Please why does...
27 July 2020 1,968 0 View
I want to measure the elastic limit of fibers. Please what is a suitable device/method?
05 July 2020 3,895 1 View
Is there any way I can buy ZnO nanoparticles instead of synthesizing them?
28 June 2020 3,391 12 View
Thermal stabilization and carbonization are essential in obtaining fine electrospun CNF. Some articles report carbonization at quite lower temperature for different composites of the same parent...
19 June 2020 875 6 View
I want to incorporate ZnO nanoparticles into CNF. SiO2 nanoparticles have being used previously. I am looking for justifications to use ZnO as an alternative to SiO2.
16 June 2020 3,651 10 View
So many researches in carbon nanofiber production aim at decreasing fiber diameter to 100nm or less. What are the fascinating properties of carbon nanofibers over the carbon fibers?
16 June 2020 8,102 15 View