13 Questions 10 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Abdelwahab Fawzy
The neural network can be described as follow, y = f (x ; θ) where, x input y output θ the parameters that best describe the function by minimizing some loss function L (y ; y ̂) y...
01 January 2019 7,485 1 View
if I have the chance to send a manuscript to one of these journals. which of them is the best in terms of open access, publication fees, the review period and the impact? any advice?
10 October 2017 2,598 2 View
In WSN, How can I able to Evaluate algorithms of clustering in terms of algorithmic cost and complexity using MATLAB?
08 August 2017 6,064 0 View
what are the equations that are used to manage the energy consumption of nodes to determine their locations using GPS ?
07 July 2017 4,674 2 View
I wanna begin writing my own thesis. I would be very grateful to your tips for your help to complete this task. by providing me with the most common mistakes which have to be avoided and the tips...
01 January 2017 5,502 4 View
In WSN, the energy cost exhausted by any node to aggregate data from neighbor nodes equal = K* E_DA, where K: the length of the data packet, E_DA Data aggregation const. E_DA: Data...
12 December 2016 2,894 0 View
the LEACH protocol is divided into rounds . Each round is divided into setup phase and steady state phase. The power equations deal with steady state phase is known, but what about the power...
09 September 2016 6,801 5 View
assume a list of points or nodes. each one of them has x and y coordinates . the distance between two points i and j equal D(i,j)= sqrt((xi-xj)^2+(yi-yj)^2). now, i want to select a set of these...
07 July 2016 9,828 3 View
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02 February 2016 9,617 1 View
The proof of finding the optimum number of cluster in the sensing field of Wireless Sensor Networks WSNd1=0.765*xm/2; % Distance between CH and BSK=sqrt (0.5*n/pi)*do*xm/d1^2 % Optimal...
01 January 2016 7,931 2 View
07 July 2015 5,010 4 View
In mmWaves electromagnetic channels (≥30GHz), the channel models might be known, but they are too complex and/or change too fast to estimate with reasonable accuracy ? why the channel models...
01 January 1970 8,932 6 View
what us the Simulation tool required to evaluate the performance of Fifth Generation (5G) Internet of Things (IoT) ?
01 January 1970 4,143 6 View