Trying to quantify the elemental composition in some XPS spectra I found some inconsistencies between the sensitivity factors.

I generally use the ASF (Atomic Sensitivity Factors) from Handbook of Photoelectron Spectroscopy (10.1002/sia.740030412). But, as I needed the ASF for some secondary peak, which are not present in the handbook, I searched for new sources... And I fell down the rabbit hole.

Beside the fact that the names change from sources: ASF, SF, RSF, σ... Probably with some differences that I didn't catch.

The numbers may vary a lot.

I compared two sources that do not take into consideration the source energy: the ASF of the handbook ( ) and the values obtained by Scofield, which seems to be used by CasaXPS ( ). And two sources that instead gives different values with different source energy: Electra ( ) and AMRSF ( ).

For example, normalising to 1 the value of C 1s the factors for Au 4f are:

Handbook: 21.11

Scofield: 17.12

Electra @Al: 18.37

Electra @Mg: 18.74

AMRSF @Al: 19.28

AMRSF @Mg: 20.14

With differences up to 23%!!!

Which should be used?

Should I conclude that XPS is not really quantitative?

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