Dear Community,
I am working on the Aeroelastic- Stability analysis of a 300kW Vertical Axis Wind Turbine (VAWT). The Objective is to find out the Complex transfer- function for Unsteady Aerodynamic Loads (laplace of input aeorfoil motion {q(t)}/laplace of output aerodynamic forces {Q(K)} using the Theodorsen's Unsteady Formulation. The final Coefficients- of the laplace variable,s, contains components of the Theodorsen's Circulation function, C(k)= F(k) + iG(k) where k= reduced frequency of the wing or blade. So, this makes the coefficients of the transfer function imaginary i.e A Complex Polynomial with Complex- coefficients. To this end, Rational Function Approximations are being used to obtain the equivalent function approximations of the generalized unsteady load vector along the frequency axis.
I am starting this discussion to get some help understanding this mathematical construct, Rational Function Approximations, and how would I implement it in Matlab. Any help/ matlab- references/ and explanations to understand this technique would be really helpful.
Look forward to kick- starting an interesting discussion around this topic. Thanks for all your support :))
Please find the original reference of this formulation from NASA & my summary of the paper below as a starting point. :)))
Concepts Involved:
Unsteady Aerodynamics || Frequency Domain Analysis || Transfer- functions || Aeroelastic Coupling || Theodorsen's Formulation
Bose Sumantraa