Dear colleagues, I am working on a research conference paper "Why isn't teaching popular anymore?" I invite education researchers from several countries (1 person from a country) to cooperate. At the moment I'm making up a questionnaire including the following sections: prestige / public perceptions; interest towards the profession / career aspirations; job security / safety; lack of teacher autonomy; stress and burnout; lack of trust; work-life balance / family commitment; career development / progress; salary; insufficient support; working conditions; student discipline and motivation; relationships with parents. Each section will involve 3-5 items. Anybody interested please contact me. Your contribution may range from a) writing / suggesting part of literature review; b) development of the questionnaire; c) applying the questionnaire in your country via social media and personal connections (I will need minimum 100 respondents from one country); d) any combination of the above. I plan to complete the research by the end of April, present it at IRCEELT conference (see, then publish it, depending on the achieved quality, in the conference proceedings or a journal. If you believe that some of your colleagues might be interested, please share this information with him / her.

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