In the US soil classification, major criteria of an argillic horizon are particle size distribution relative to an overlying horizon and either clay skins on ped surfaces or oriented clay occupying 1% or more of the cross section. On many occasions Indian pedologists while working in the micaceous IGP soils of the north-western IGP have however, experienced clay-enriched textural B-horizons but found no identifiable clay skins by a 10X hand lens. According to the US Soil Taxonomy, the clay illuviation process results in optically oriented pure void argillans. However, in IGP soils translocation of the fine clay particles results in textural pedofeatures of the ‘impure’ clay pedofeatures’ as a typical pedofeatures. Criteria of clay skins and pure clay pedofeatures (i.e. void argillans) for argillic horizon of the US Soil Taxonomy become incompatible in most of the Indian SAT soils. Indian pedologists have proved that while the presence of clay skins and pure clay pedofeatures is a clear evidence of illuviation, the absence of clay skins and presence of impure clay pedofeatures, does not necessarily mean that there has been no clay illuviation in the uniform parent material on a stable and more than 2500 year old geomorphic surface as the major pedogenic process under SAT climates. In view of the fulfillment of the textural requirement of a Bt horizon for such loamy IGP soils, would it be prudent to waive the clay skins criterion for applying the precise and unambiguous definitions of soil taxa? I invite my fellow pedologists for their valuable comments/suggestions.