Historically, most employment was home-based. Transition occurred.

  • 19th Century: Mechanization allowed personal transportation and distant communication (e.g. telegraph, telephone).
  • 20th Century: Mechanical technology combined with universal electrification allowed computerization.
  • 21st Century: Computerized manufacturing allows "factory" workers to join the office staff. Meanwhile, traditional office workers (i.e. government, education and business) are increasingly able to complete their daily tasks remotely from home.
  • Trend: Socialization is becoming the primary function of office and school buildings. Digital socialization, combined with automated mechanization, communication and the economic and environmental costs of transportation, encourage home-based social functions (i.e. meetings, breaks) through digital interactive services.

Since economics always wins long-term, please discuss why "office" workers may become a 20th century anomaly replaced by historical home-based work.

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