If you are writing a book, you could number the citations in running numbers throughout the book, and then, at the end of the book you could divide the citations by chapters (after choosing a citations style, of course, APA or MLA etc.). Chapter 1 could have citations 1-25, chapter 2 could have citations 26-45, etc'.
@avishag Gordon, Thanks Prof. Avishag. However, I am writing my thesis using MS Word and have written each chapter separately. now, when I combine it, the format is being violated. If I separate all chapters, reference from Mendeley Desktop does not come in continuous form. I am using IEEE format.
i am not using the Mendeley so I am not qualified to instruct you on this tool. However, if you are using the IEEE format, you could stick to it and ignore Mendeley. I am adding a link to the IEEE style manual, maybe you could find the the answer to the citation style there. Good luck.