In our country, there is a thriving private organization which had produced at least thirteen (13) so-called "international journals" in just a span of two (2) years. These journals are said to imbibed a global character because of its inclusion of about one or two foreign writers, but most of the articles were just written by local professionals. What is deplorable is the fact that a lot of these write-ups were parochial and trivial in nature, simply because the authors were only after the "points" they get out of publishing which is a plus factor in their ranking and promotion in schools.  Worst, said private organization has been charging exorbitant publication fees. The latest cost is at least $500 per article, that is equivalent to a one month salary of a public school teacher.  This is indeed a shame, considering that the noble scholastic endeavor of academicians -- research -- has become a tool for profiteering. What do you think would be the policy or a worldwide action to stop these anomalous acts?

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