Burnham & Anderson's (2002) book suggests that estimate sizes are more important than p-values, and therefore don't worry about significance when modelling. But a reviewer recently asked me for p-values, whcih I hadn't included in my modelling.

Is it ok to do this:

1. made a set of candidate models a priori (following Burnham & Anderson 2002)

2. compare AICc values from the different models

3. select the best model (or do model averaging if needs be) to find the 'best' model.

Or: is it necessary to remove all non-significant fixed and random effects from the models before comparing AICc values?

Are there currently 2 schools of thought on this ('include p-values' vs. 'significance of predictor variables isn't important'), or have most people moved to including p-values of effects, to determine their significance. A paper by Cheng (2010) suggests a global model may contain non-significant predictors if they have biological importance.

Many thanks.

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