The idea of a single worldwide currency has been has served as a basis for many economists to seriously think about the super currency that would be used by the whole world. One of the proposals for introduction of a single worldwide currency is DEY (dollar, euro, yen), which would be used for all payment transactions worldwide, independently from the nationality of users...
I think that the approach of a single global currency to replace a dollar as the “reserve” currency is more realistic than introduction of single or more cryptocurrencies .....
Also, the key problem for greater use of Bitcoins are the governments of advanced economies. These governments will not allow issuing and circulating any currency with the use of block chain technology. In addition, the inability to control the relationship between the supply of money and demand for money may be an excuse for monetary authorities to renounce this important instrument of central banking
Thanks. My opinion is that suppose in future, an idea come e to my mind, would i be able to benifit instantly from my idea/ thought by exchanging it directly.