Many recent predictions have perceived that AI would overall surpass human intelligence in the next century. The fictional perception can be disproved by analyzing what AI cannot do with respect to the natural intelligence.
At level of calculation, precision, speed, etc., Machines can be able to surpass humans. But at level of emotions the comparison remains far (the soul cannot be modeled!).
RE: Will AI overall surpass human intelligence in the near future?
What conception of intelligence is presupposed by your question? If intelligence necessarily requires a mental state like consciousness or awareness (or self-consciousness or self-awareness), then we are presently a long way off from that; present-day computers don’t even have the minimal mentation of a dormouse. Present-day computers process symbols syntactically and a convincing story has yet to be told how mere syntactical processes, no matter how complex, can give you semantics, i.e. the reference of symbols or the “aboutness” of mental states. Some lab-grown organic/biological components will conceivably be required to built the appropriate neural networks, and that is indeed science fiction for the foreseeable future.
Yet present-day AI can already do something that human intelligence is incapable of, even if it is done mindlessly. Just think of those "Big Science" research projects involving hundreds of specialized collaborators from multitudinous disciplines. No individual researcher can have an in-depth knowledge of the whole, yet all the detailed knowledge can be integrated within an expert system that can be used to answer questions beyond the intellectual capacity (intelligence) of any of the individual researchers.
The AI technology is developed by HUMAN only not by AI. Of course wherever possible we have been using/exploiting the AI no doubt. Certain things which cannot done by human could be done by AI that is well and good. Recently I come across even some operations are done using Robots rather than surgeon/doctors.
To make the AI to work properly HUMAN Operation should be there. They themselves cannot program right unless otherwise it is programmed earlier. I believe without human even AI cannot work properly. No idea to what extant am correct or you people agree or not. There are always certain drawbacks we have to agree.
How humans respond to robots: Building public Policy through good design
I think we can imagine another form of AI (not necessarily electronic intelligence). The biologic AI can surpass human intelligence and in this case is the end of Humanity.
No, AI is marketing name rather than scholar name at the moment. AI can help human a lot. However, it is difficult for AI machine to replace human being.
I think the main point what is meant by the question.
Besides, what intelligence is, there are other questions regarding the results. What do you want to use for? Will robots perform better in manufacturing? Yes. In decision making based on facts? Yes. Predictions based on history? Sure. Aggregating facts and extrapolating? Yes. Designing new robots and algorithms? Of course. Most of the above mentioned are basically exist. The line between simple calculations and complex thinking becomes thinner and thinner till you cannot differentiate.
I think humans will be beaten on every field that is based on learning - and most of our emotions are in that bin, as well.
At level of calculation, precision, speed, etc., Machines can be able to surpass humans. But at level of emotions the comparison remains far (the soul cannot be modeled!).
No, The Human IQ level is one while still the IQ level of machines are zero...further i am not sure about the future that what will happen. I liked the Question but the Answers are more interesting and Awesome. Thanks to every one........
My earlier answer was HUMAN operation should be there to make AI to work.
After reading Stephen Hawking's talk, such an amazing and eminent scientist, I am taking back my sentence. Basing on the same theme one Indian Film director made movie 'Robo/Robot', how AI dominate human in 2010.
Stephen Hawking warned about the perils of artificial intelligence – yet AI gave him a voice
Prof Stephen Hawking, one of Britain's pre-eminent scientists, has said that efforts to create thinking machines pose a threat to our very existence- BBC interview.
The Stephen Hawking Warning About Artificial Intelligence That Every Businessperson Should Read