To become a Jew or a Christian is not to propose to be the slave of a community of men, but to have the same objective as a Jew or a Christian and this objective is unique: it is to access eternal life.
l. Jewish tradition already tells us all there is to know to reach eternal life:
"What is hateful to thee, do not unto thy fellow man: this is the whole Law; the rest is mere commentary"
(Hillel, Shab. 31a).
II. The Hebrew Bible already tells us all there is to know to reach eternal life, as it is written:
(Psalm 15)
(Ezekiel 18:31-32)
(Ezekiel 18:20-23)
(Ezekiel 18:10-13)
(Ezekiel 18:14-18)
If we can think that our ancient sins or those of our parents and ascendants can influence the quality of the persecutions that will be imposed on us, we must know that everyone must use violence against oneself to remain just and honest in order to obtain eternal life, as it is written:
(Exodus 20:5-6)
(Exodus 34:6-7)
(1 Peter 2:19-21)
III. The New Testament informs us that in order to obtain eternal life, everyone must simply be able to justify oneself before a court of saints, with the conviction of being approved.
The apostle Paul said, (and the reader can easily replace the word Jewish with the word Christian on the one hand, and the ritual of circumcision with that of baptism on the other), as it is written:
(Romans 2:24-29)
The only baptism that is necessary is that of the Holy Spirit which is realized by the understanding and acceptance of the holy commandment, as it is written:
(Luke 3:15-17)
(John 15:3)
(John 8:30-32)
( 1 John 5:11-13)
The Apostle Paul speaks very often through analogies and when he tells us that some Jews have been hardened so that salvation may be accessible to some Gentiles, as it is written:
(Romans 11:11-15)
We may think that it is simply a way of informing us that it was necessary for a part of the Jewish community to reject Jesus Christ so that those of the gentiles who were predestined to realize the importance of the holy command by the study of the scriptures, without having the scientific means to determine the origin of the scriptures, can realize that the Hebrew Bible and the New Testament were not conceived by a single community of men who want to transmit their ideology using fables in which one can isolate a certain coherence:
a) The gospel according to saint me:
b) Who is Christian:
(my last three contributions in this question are:
* About God's identity and that of his only begotten son.
* About the house of God.
* About the application of the holy commandment.)
c) The monotheism:
Because of his incomparable love for others, Jesus of Nazareth has advised us to let ourselves be stripped by our neighbor. But because he is faithful, he cannot reject the one who uses deception by being certain of being able to justify oneself in front of a court of saints. He cannot reject Jacob, as it is written:
> (Colossians 1:16-17)
> (2 Timothy 2:11-13)
(Psalm 24:1-6)