That driverless cars kill should come as no surprise. When I am in a left turn lane preparing to turn left, waiting for cross traffic to clear, (1) I return my front wheels to straight, to avoid being pushed into oncoming traffic if I get hit from behind, (2) I carefully look for joggers, kids on bicycles, skateboarders, pedestrians, mothers pushing baby carriages, etc, who might be traveling on the sidewalk against the flow of traffic as well as with it, (3) look down the residential street to see if children might be playing in front yards about to run into the street; anyone about to step into the street from a residence. If I notice any of these events or possibilities, I either wait for all to clear or drive away.

What would a driverless car do and how does it do it?

How does a driverless vehicle tell the difference between a shopping cart and a baby carriage, between a dog or paper bag in the street and a small child?

How does one communicate with a driverless vehicle when it is necessary to schedule right-of-way? 

Can a driverless vehicle courteously stop for humans patiently waiting at the curb for traffic to clear?

How does one notify a driverless vehicle that its lights are not working?

How can a driverless vehicle react to a human who is motioning for it to proceed so that the human can then safely use a crosswalk?

Questions like this are endless. Above all, who would want these things in their neighborhood or on their streets and highways? 

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