Top-tier biomedical journals have very few articles on " pharmacy/pharmacy practice". Do people think there are any specific reasons for this? Comments are welcome.
As most of Pharmacy Professionals are not aware of importance of such topics to be included in research projects , in addition to that, as old school trends no one is interested to improve the quality of the Pharmacy Practice, only few people who showed their interest in that, and that is explain the reason clearly
It is difficult or nearly impossible to have manuscripts about pharmacy practice in top tier jounals. It seems that this topic is not "intresting" or "sophisticate"as biomedical research, even though it has a direct effect on patients outcome.
Journals want to publish and focus on the articles which are according to the demands of the targeted audience/readers, in other words, that can be cited more. So, actually audience of top tier biomedical journals needs awareness of how important pharmacy practice is and as Conxita Mestres said, has a direct effect on patient outcome.
The greater the interest and awareness will be developed in the reader community of the top tier biomedical journals about pharmacy practice, the more the publications will be.
Pharmacy Practice is considered as least important these days due to outdated ideas. The budding pharmacist has to bring ideas that reflect on the improved patient's outcomes.
Lack of Improvisation on the newer approaches and setting up trends which will be beneficial for all the readers on a Biomedical/Multi disciplinary Journal. It is basically due to the outdated ideas
Most Clinical Pharmacists/Pharmacy Practitioners publish in journals such as Int. J. Pharmacy practice, Int. J. Clinical Pharmacy, Journal of Pharmacy Practice and Research, Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy etc.
We are a relatively Large profession and publishing in these journals brings our research to the attention of our peers.