Hello, I am curious that why sheep blood agar is recommended as one of the media to grow Enterococcus when some such as E. faecalis would be non-hemolytic? Then, what is the point to supplement sheep blood in the media?
Up to our expertise in this field, the cause of that is not due to haemolysis pattern. The most striking point is that sheep blood agar is used to growing of fastidious microorganisms like Streptococcus faecalis due to presence of nutrient and supportive elements in this type of media. Kind regard
Sheep Blood Agar is used due to the nutrients found in this agar. Unlike human blood, sheep blood used in SBA do not posses antigens which may interfere with the growth of the organism. SBA also is known for the cultivation of fastidious organisms such as E. faecalis. Moreover, E. faecalis shows alpha/beta hemolysis, it can also show no hemolysis.