In most of the cases author publishes multiple papers from the thesis in course of time, usually by upgrading the doctoral work. A time comes when there remains no utility to publish the thesis in the form of a book again.
I am presently struggling hard to do exactly that.
By interestingly arising 'oppositions' to this my undertaking
the 'quarrel' arose, because my thesis was in german, and the evaluation of my helping agent in Singapore revealed , that to him this translation was up to me, despite the fact that I provided two windows-code files of it , my thesis was published in Helvetica Physica Acta in 1967. The editing Company at that time was : Birkhaeuser Verlag in Basel, which has by now long ago been sold directly or indirectly to Springer Verlag. This is a very competent and powerful editing company, centered for physics topics in Heidelberg, germany and edit among many other
journals the EPJ jounals (a,b,c) --> European Physics Journal a or b or c .
Myself , I am still publishing results , which in my evaluation partially do go back to my thesis.