I have an NN with 192 inputs and 48 outputs where I use it for electricity forecasting. It has only one hidden layer and neurone. Previously I used this with back-propagation. Now I want to have better results, so I train it with GA. But results with GA are worse than with BP (rarely get better results with GA). I have tried with different parameter arrangements (code is attached). But still, I cannot find the reason. I checked with different amount of training sets (10, 15, 20, 30) and different amount of hidden neurones. But when I increase them, results get even worse. Please, someone, help me for this.
for i = 1:17;
p = xlsread('Set.xlsx')';
t = xlsread('Target.xlsx')';
IN = xlsread('input.xlsx')';
c = xlsread('Compare.xlsx')';
inputs = p(:,i+20:i+27);
targets = t(:,i+20:i+27);
in = IN(:,i);
C = c(:,i);
[I N ] = size(inputs)
[O N ] = size(targets)
H = 1;
Nw = (I+1)*H+(H+1)*O;
net = feedforwardnet(H);
net = configure(net, inputs, targets);
h = @(x) mse_test(x, net, inputs, targets);
ga_opts=gaoptimset('TolFun',1e(-20),'display','iter','Generations',2500,'PopulationSize',200,'MutationFcn',@mutationgaussian,'CrossoverFcn',@crossoverscattered,'UseParallel', true);
[x_ga_opt, err_ga] = ga(h, Nw,[],[],[],[],[],[],[], ga_opts);
net = setwb(net, x_ga_opt');
out = net(in)
Sheet = 1;
filename = 'Results.xlsx';
xlRange =['A',num2str(i)];
i = i + 1;
-------------------------------Objective Function---------------------------------
function mse_calc = mse_test(x, net, inputs, targets)
net = setwb(net, x');
y = net(inputs);
e = targets - y;
mse_calc = mse(e);