I simulate a structure like the figure shows. A discrete port "port1" with 50 ohm is added between the gap. The boundary condition is Unit Cell and plane wave excitations are Zmax(1) and Zmax(2). When I tried to calculate the S11 from the "Z1(1),1(1)", the calculation result is not the same as "S1(1),1(1)" in S-Parameters. The S11 calculated from ZZmax(2),Zmax(2) is also different. But S11 from ZZmax(1),Zmax(1) is same as SZmax(1),Zmax(1).
I tried the boundary condition of open (add space). This condition can get the same results. Why is the calculation and simulation result different?
The figures are the simulated structure and its Z1(1),1(1), S1(1),1(1) from simulation and calculation.