There is a lot of rhetoric but when push comes to shove a quick solution is often what is sought and that is at the expense of quality. For example if/when a governemt funds a community project plenty of time and effort is spent planning, "consulting", then implementing only to discover that it failed because not enough attention was paid to train individuals to actually perform the test/invetigation properly. Also in pathology there wouldnt be any funding for Quality Control (QC) material in a community health project that is overseen by government or MoH. There are numerous examples and reasons can be: lack of knowmedge, too hard, long term outcome is not as rewarding as immediate outcomes, political agendas, or the true meaning of good quality and whats needed to achive it is not appreciated or even the naive belief that analysers and tests do not need quality control...!!! Whatever the reason it goes against every grain of scientists and pathologists work ethics and understandings. Keen to hear other views.

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