Numerical methods aren't used much to investigate the effects like plasmonic effects of polymer solar cells with metal nano particles. What could be the situation? complex nature of polymer layers?
Without knowing more about what is involved with such a problem, it is hard to give a concrete answer. What is trying to be solved, is it a set of non linear partial differential equations? What is the length scale of the solution? What is the length scale of the internal forces?
What physics of the system you are looking for, resonance frequencies; localized field enhancement; field propagation; transmittion or reflection coefficients and so on. Then, the big problem is how can you model your system as a mathematical model. What are the assumsions have to be imposed to simplify your model to make it posible for numerical method. How can you model the polymer layers? Can it be modelled as the continuum media with known dielectric function? Your question is difficult to answer unless you specify what you need to calculate and what is your system detail.