Most of the research work done in Nigeria are really isolated. How can we enhance partnership research in Africa, especially Nigeria? As I hope this would help to improve the research results and it's wide acceptability.
Maybe it is time to rise, a time to promote quality, a time for new technology, a time for innovational, novel, fresh, unconventional, unorthodox, unusual, avant-garde, inventive, ingenious research work and a time to say goodbye to deceit, old thinking and inferiority in this part of the world. The time is now. Maybe with this, we may attract right partnership.
Few Africans researcher are dynamic. When he get a position in University, he think teaching is the only job he can do.
Others still waiting "supports" from western scientists, but don't want to creating collaboration with others africans researcher.
Last, some government (lead by politicians, not by scientist) don't encourage research by creating legal frame and give fundings for innovative research in all domains.
I´m not sure if its more complicated to get funding in africa then elsewhere. The Nok-Project of the Goethe-University has a long history, but it was also a history of unsucessfull aplications for fundings - as were the projects in the Austrian mountains or on bronze age depositions in germany. To get partners, you need to connect - and that point is hard work everywhere.
I admit here in partys to Jacques Aymeric-Nsangou - as we have also a lot of people who believe, getting a temporary position is all that is needed. But as - for example - in germany 95 % of university members are only on the base of temporary contracts with not more as 3 years under contract - well, you always have to "move" and to try to establish new connections...
le problème de financement reste un grand défis pour l'épanouissement de l'archéologie africaine. j'avoue que les chercheurs africains particulièrement les jeunes chercheurs comme les étudiants sont braves au point qu'ils réussissent à faire leur terrain et écrire leurs thèses dans les conditions pénibles effrayantes. au moment ou les financements inondes les universtités occidentales qui ne pensent meme pas à investir un sous pour ces pauvres chercheurs et sont là que s'ils s'obstinent à comprendre un phénomène. imaginez pour juste la mobilité d'un chercheur pour les grands rencontres archéologues, nous sommes obligés de courir de gauche à droite pour avoir un billet d'avion mais on se trouve en bredouille du fait que nos états pensent qu'il y'a d'autres priorités plus urgences que de financer un doctorant. je ne sais pas quant-est ce fléau va se pallier mais il est nécessaire que les partenariats se lient entre les chercheurs Nord-Sud. c'est pas la charité mais juste un fait réel pour le bénéfice de tous.
A way forward would be to access or create a data base of internal and external research institutions in your country. The US and the French embassy are always willing to link Nigerian academics with research institutions. IFRA and Fulbright have made lots of progress in assisting many Nigerian researchers.