From the looks of it, there are many researchers whom are lacking posters underneath their 'Research Items'. There can only be a few different reasons for this:

1. They do not think it belongs on Research Gate.

2. They think it belongs on Research Gate but are for some reason not interested in uploading them.

3. They think it belongs on Research Gate but thinks that it's more important to wait until the research is developed into an article or other peer-reviewed publication.

4. They haven't contributed to any poster and/or the lead author for the poster wishes not to upload it.

I think 1. and 4. aren't very likely, hence only 2. and 3. remain. So either the poster is not very important in terms of scientific contribution, or it's better to not upload a poster due to the research being made into an article. But wouldn't a poster contribute to the overall traction of both your research and you yourself as a researcher?

What would be the reasons to not upload a poster to Research Gate?

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